Wednesday, April 18, 2012

AS Anonymous

I must come out of the "Autism closet" but only on the internet.  I am not ready to be subjected to ridicule,smpathy or seen as mentally retarded. This month millions of people will be flying the banner of Autism pride (Yes, I do use metaphors and figurative laugage despite the myth). A large percantage of them are ignorant on the subject of the spectrum. Sure we have mother's of A.S. kids raising awarness but they don't know how it feels to be OTS (On the spectum). That's why those of us who can speak need to stand up for our non-verbal comrades.

  1. Step 1 of AS Anonymous  Admit that you have A.S.   That seems to be the first step many programs that includes the word "Anonymous.
  2. Step 2 of AS Anonymous   Don't tell the world that you are OTS. The public  needs to be more aware before we just show up at the doorstep of  honesty and integrity. In other words it may subject you/ or your kid to merciless bullying and ridicule. Not too fun Ehh?
  3. Step 3 of AS Anonymous    Ignore that AS sterotypes. You know the stereotypes. We are all good at math, we have the inabillity to feel empathy( We would be called sociopahts if that were true) We don't understand metephor, We have a genius IQ, We have a super talent, We are narcisits. Yeah, Thats all pretty much bullshit.
  4. Step 4 of AS Anonymous       Don't trust a company Not run by autistic people that claims to speak for Autistic people. They may try to murder your personality.
  5. Step 5 of AS Anonymous   Don't be proud to be autistic. It's not a super power. It's a socail and developmental disabillity. It's gentic and it's beyond your control. Why bragg about it?
  6. Step 6 of AS Anonymous  Love thy NT neighbor. I grow tired of hearing all these bigot aspies spew their nazi hate speech of  95 % (A rough estimite) of the human race. That's suprimist thoughts and it will get you nowhere in life.

It's only a 6 step program unlike AA which is 12 steps as far as I know.